Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mixed Berry Muffins


Course: main meals
PointsPlus™ Value: 2
Servings: 21

Preparation Time: 15 min
Cooking Time: 15 min
Level of Difficulty: Easy


1 cup(s) whole wheat flour
3/4 cup(s) Gold Medal All-Purpose Organic Flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp table salt
2 Tbsp ground flax seed meal
1/4 cup(s) Agave Nectar
1 cup(s) unsweetened frozen mixed berries
1/4 cup(s) hot water
1 medium lemon(s)
1/4 cup(s) olive oil
1 egg
1/2 cup applesauce

This version was even better than yesterday's!

Whisk dry ingredients together. Mix wet ingredients and add into dry until combined. Divvy up into two cupcake tins (21 cupcakes) and bake for about 15 minutes at 375. Lower the temp if you substitute honey for the agave nectar.

I couldn't get it to stretch to 24 muffins so I filled the three empty cups with water and they turned out delicious. If you use an ice cream scoop, it's super easy to fill the cups. My six year old, initially skeptical, was impressed.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Peach Muffins


Course: main meals
PointsPlus™ Value: 2
Servings: 24

Preparation Time: 15 min
Cooking Time: 15 min
Level of Difficulty: Easy


1 cup(s) whole wheat flour
3/4 cup(s) Gold Medal All-Purpose Organic Flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp table salt
2 Tbsp ground flax seed meal
1/4 cup(s) Agave Nectar
1 cup(s) unsweetened frozen peaches
1/4 cup(s) hot water
1 medium lemon(s)
1/4 cup(s) olive oil
1 egg

I have been playing around with this recipe and this seems to work pretty well. Made them yesterday for daughter's preschool snack.

You can use any pureed fruit - bananas, peaches, even pumpkin. I'm going to experiment with other versions. I did peach yesterday.

Whisk dry ingredients together. Mix wet ingredients and add into dry until combined. Divvy up into two cupcake tins (24 cupcakes) and bake for about 15 minutes at 375. Lower the temp if you substitute honey for the agave nectar.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday & Weekend Update

Oh, man, I feel like I'm failing. Like maybe I should go join Overeaters Anonymous or something.

I'm in the middle of eating a salad while regretting the Cadbury eggs I scarfed after a grocery run. There's no excuse when I had a good breakfast before I left.

I hate being so obsessed about food. I hate the guilt that comes with being "bad". I didn't even weigh this morning. Don't want to know.

On the bright side, I ran into someone I hadn't seen since last fall who said she could tell a difference and asked me what I'd been doing. Well, that's something, right?

I didn't track all weekend. Going to get back to it today. Right away.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Let's just scrap today and yesterday, ok? No pictures today. Seriously sleep deprived.

Breakfast (8)

Rough night, woke up at 3 a.m. and couldn't fall back to sleep so I made coffee and oatmeal in what felt like the middle of the night.

Coffee w/ milk - 2
Oatmeal w/ 1/2 c milk, didn't measure the brown sugar, and a chopped up apple - 6

Snack (4)

Almonds (about 10) - 2
More coffee - 2

Lunch (15)

Oh, I fell off the healthy wagon here!

McDonald's cheeseburger
1/2 a med fry
"snack size" mcflurry but i think they messed up b/c it was BIG

Let's say hmmmm 15?

Dinner (17)

Whole wheat pasta - 5
Marinara w/ sausage 4
2 slices of garlic bread - 8
green beans

Dessert (7)
1/2 a candy bar - 4
mint ice cream thing - 3

Ugh.... Total: 51 WWP


This was my weigh in day. I only lost .4 according the damn scale at the meeting. Ugh. Seriously depressing. I know it's because I ate too much on Wednesday. Maybe salt?

My husband frequently says I have this addictive personality. He's sort of right. I am addicted to things that make me feel good right away. I need instant gratification. I crave it. He also says I lack discipline. Yeah, obviously.

I really hate this. I don't want to even post this one but I'm trying here, people and I'm being honest.

Breakfast (6)

Toast w/ avocado - 4
Coffee w/ milk and 2 packs of honey, sounds odd, right? I used to think so too but it's good. - 2

Lunch (14)

Big, huge salad w/ chick peas, a little ham, 1 hard boiled egg, tons of veggies a little drizzle of olive oil and red wine vinegar. - 6

1 small slice of plain cheese pizza - 5

3 gummy butterflies (how do I calculate this? I guessed and based it on gumdrops.) - 3

Anytime (11)

Oh, and then the afternoon...

Approx. 1 T peanut butter - 3
A candy bar - 8

Dinner (19)

Tilapia, again but this time w/ soy sauce and sauteed peppers & onions - 4
big salad w/ avocado and grapefruit - weird again, right? No, it was yummy. - 5
Asian sesame dressing
wine - 3


2 of those WW latte ice cream things - 4
pretzels - 3

Total: Another whopping 50 WWP day.

Ugh.... feel like I failed again.

Activity (3)

20 minutes cardio at the gym (treadmill)
lower body and ab weight machines

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


This day started off great but then in the afternoon things went awry and I lost control of myself. The sad thing is I'm still hungry and could keep on eating till 10 p.m. no problem! Weigh in day tomorrow.

Activity for the day? Walking the mall w/ my friend at a leisurely pace for maybe 30-60 minutes. I claimed 2 activity points for this.

This week I'm in the hole 15 points for weekly points but earned 20 activity points.

Breakfast (5)

Coffee w/ milk & Truvia - 1
2/3 c fat free Greek yogurt w/ apple/banana/orange/flax and 1 t agave nectar - 3

Lunch (14)

1 c leftover minestrone from last night - 5
2 oz chicken w/ 1 oz cheddar on 2 slices artisan bread & 1 T bbq sauce - 9

Dinner (15)

Steamed broccoli
4 oz tilapia
1 c Annie's mac & cheese
4 oz white wine

Anytime (18)

Oh, God, this is almost embarrassing to admit but I suppose that's the point!

1/4 of a huge Starbuck's cookie - 2

3 squares of chocolate - 6
WW latte bar - 2
mint truffle bar- 3

And at almost 9 p.m.

1/2 a p.b. sandwich - 5

A whopping 52 WWP

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Today was cold and all I wanted to do was eat and drink hot stuff to make me warm. Successfully avoided Starbuck's saving myself money and enough points to waste on half a candy bar a kid begged me for.

I had planned to walk for an extra 30 minutes at the gym after the weight lifting class but couldn't talk myself into it. Forgetting music in the car was my excuse.

Breakfast (5)

Coffee w/ milk - 1
2 hard boiled eggs - 4

Snack (2)

12 almonds - 2

Lunch (13)

Subway turkey/ham sub on wheat w/ tons of veggies, a small amount of shredded cheese and a little vinagrette: 11

OK, so I ate the 6" one on the way home. Starving! Then came home, dumped the nasty Subway bun and put it on two thin slices of artisan bread and put it in this thing with that stuff.

Shoved the veggies back into it and YUM!

Chai w/ 1 tsp agave + 1 T whole milk: 2

Dinner (8)

1 cup minestrone soup w/ sausage and black beans added - 5

Bear Creek soup mix w/ 1/2 a can of black beans, 1/2 lb lean sausage browned, 1/2 a large can of tomatoes

Soup by itself is 3 WWP per cup.

1 piece of bread - 2
1/2 t olive oil - 1

Anytime (6)

WW Latte ice cream bar - 2 (haven't actually eaten this yet but I plan to)

1/2 a candy bar - 4

AFTER DINNER UPDATE: Damn it! I was starving and blew it on 2 T p.b. & one piece of wheat bread and didn't look up the points first. 8 freakin' points!!!

Total for the day: 42 WWP

Activity (4)

Body Pump class at the Y: 4
45 minutes